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#Mustreads From Other Sites: The NSA’s New Foes, DNA Police Sketches

Control Room Surveillance


Good morning! Here's some of what we've been reading over the weekend at Re/code:

  1. Government surveillance has some unlikely new foes: an entrepreneur and a convicted hacker have teamed up together to take on the NSA, by working on new encryption technologies for email metadata. Kim Zetter at Wired has the scoop.
  2. While solving decades-old murders makes for great television, the real-life process is more difficult and less dramatic. A new DNA-based police-sketching technology may change that. The Verge’s story has more details.
  3. Microsoft is letting thousands of employees go, but it’s a good bet general counsel Brad Smith is staying, since Redmond got the New York Times  — “Microsoft's Top Lawyer Is the Tech World's Envoy” — and the Wall Street Journal — “Microsoft Tangles With Justice Department” — to write long features about him this week.
  4. NPR’s All Tech Considered covers the way the Israel-Palestine conflict is playing out on the Web. From DJs remixing Hamas propaganda to peace activists making connections with the other side.
  5. Free food? Who cares! The New Republic’s Sarah Sloat says Google’s megacampus can’t compete with the rapidly growing number of “coworking” spaces.

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