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Bill Maris, the Man Behind Google Ventures, Wants to Redefine Silicon Valley Economics

Bill Maris, managing partner of Google Ventures

Courtesy: Google Ventures

Bill Maris is unimpressed with the mechanics of Silicon Valley venture capital.

He sees a lot of short bets on incremental advances and copycat apps. He thinks partners get paid for putting money to work — not for making ambitious bets.

From the start, Maris sought to do things differently at Google Ventures, which he founded in 2009 after years as an investor and entrepreneur.

The fund’s partners hunt for young companies aiming high and strike deals that could take more than a decade to pay off. They’ve spread money across a broad portfolio, including areas with riskier technical challenges like clean energy and health. And the firm has applied a famously data-driven approach, hiring up quants and devising complex computer models that Maris believes offer better predictions of market outcomes.


“We’re failing if some of our investments don’t turn out to be crazy science projects that didn’t work.”

Bill Maris, managing partner, Google Ventures

The fresh-faced Maris, 39, cuts a low profile in Silicon Valley relative to the dollars at his disposal, deliberately avoiding the industry’s endless glad-handing dinners and conferences.

But last month, he sat down for an hour-long conversation with Re/code in his Mountain View, Calif., office.

Google Ventures occupies a squat building on the eastern edge of the search giant’s sprawling campus. From the outside, it’s just one of many plain white rectangles arrayed across the Googleplex.

Within the recently remodeled space, however, the company’s primary color palate gives way to dark wood and glass panels. You won’t find a nap pod or cartoonish Android statute here.

It’s in Google’s world but not quite of it: A $1.5 billion fund operating with a lot of latitude inside the $400 billion conglomerate.

Google Ventures arguably earned its rope after a bang-up 2013. The fund laid 75 new bets as it cashed chips on ten exits, including Monsanto’s more than $900 million acquisition of Climate Corp. and the initial public offerings of RetailMeNot, Silver Spring Networks and Foundation Medicine.

To some degree, Google Ventures’ unusual approach is a luxury afforded by a single LP with a fat pocketbook and plenty of patience. It also certainly helps that the mothership will occasionally acquire portfolio companies, lend them expertise, guarantee them press attention and present intriguing partnership scenarios (like, say, self-driving Ubers).

But to date, the firm has operated through five booming years in Silicon Valley with loose cash and winner-take-all mentalities driving acquisition valuations well north of frothy. The real test of the model may come during more turbulent times.

As it is, some of the portfolio businesses have already stumbled.

Late last year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration forced 23andMe to stop marketing its personal genetic tests as a health-care product, its main source of revenue, stating the company had yet to prove the tests were clinically validated. The Verge also raised serious questions about the early scientific claims of biofuel company Cool Planet.

In the interview that follows — which will run in two parts and has been edited for length and clarity — Maris addresses those concerns, explains what Google Ventures looks for in an entrepreneur and lays out where the firm breaks with traditional Silicon Valley economics.

Re/code: How does Google Ventures fit within the larger Google? In some ways it could be competing for investments with Google Capital, in some ways it could be competing for “moon shots” with Google X. Can you talk a little bit about how the lines are drawn and how the logic works?

It has to do with how much we cooperate with each other, talk to each other. There hasn’t really been a case where we’ve competed with, say, Google X. They know that we’re interested in crazy far-out thinking; they’re interested in crazy far-out thinking.

They don’t have a mission to generate return while they do it, in terms of financial return. We do. So we look at the same things but from slightly different angles.

We think it’s quite complementary to have people tackling the same things, as opposed to just making one big bet. That’s how companies fail, efforts fail.

If the near-term goal is “fund the next company delivering the Internet from the sky,” well, maybe then you would say that we’re competing with Google X. But if the goal is “get broadband delivered around the world to people who may never get it otherwise," well, then we’re all headed in the same direction.

We’re surrounded by people who have great minds. That’s a real privilege and we’re trying to take advantage of that by investing in things that matter, especially around healthcare, as you’ve seen. Not only do we put in a lot of effort, but we have generated a lot of returns as well. Which, I will note, I got questioned about all the time by reporters and others, even in the venture business.

“There’s no future in life science investing, why would you waste your time, what could Google Ventures possibly know about this?”

And you know what, it’s about relationships. It’s about helping and enabling entrepreneurs who do the actual hard work. We try to give them tools and resources to help them succeed.

I’m on record as saying “yes, more moon shots, enough photo sharing apps.” But I am curious, as a venture capital fund with an obligation to make returns, do Silicon Valley economics not work out in your favor sometimes because you’re going to be reaching a little farther into the future? It might not be viable yet or might not be viable before they burn through all your cash?

We’re not beholden to Silicon Valley economics. I think [Google CEO] Larry [Page] would be quite happy if we invested in far-out things that didn’t make any money, even if it took ten years, as long as it furthered the science.

Now, we’re a venture fund. We’re trying to find and generate return. But that doesn’t run counter to the other goal because usually companies are the things that have the greatest impact on society. It’s not usually NGOs, its not usually nonprofits, it’s not usually grant-making organizations.

The part that gets misunderstood a lot is how long it takes. Sometimes it takes years.

This is what we try to solve with Google Ventures. If I were to leave and raise a venture fund, I would have to find 10 or 100 LPs, they would all give me a bunch of money and I would take a percentage of that to pay myself. They would expect me to invest that over the next three years, and they want that money back in seven or eight years.

So now they’ve put a timeframe on innovation. That's a problem.

They would also give me a weird incentive: The more money I raise, the more I could pay myself, because I get a percent of that. But the more money I raise, the later-stage companies I have to invest in, because I need to deploy that money. You can look out at the venture world, at people who have raised large funds, and you can see that tradition is alive and well right now.

I don’t think you could find a case of a venture fund giving back money to its LPs saying, “Oh, we couldn't find anything.” They’ve already taken your fee out of it, so they’re not going into their own bank accounts.

[Late-stage] companies need funds too. But if you want to invest in early-stage technologies, putting a timeframe on it does behold you to Silicon Valley economics. You’ve got a certain time period where you have to make the money. And you have to invest that money whether you find good companies or not.

We try to do something very different here. We have annual funds, each year is a new fund. The fund can be up to $300 million, but it's only as big as we actually invest. So if we invest zero dollars here, there is no group of LPs here saying, “You didn’t deploy any money? What’s your [internal rate of return] on that?”

I don’t even calculate our IRR. I know we’ve made a lot of money, for the LP, and that's because the founders of our company have been very successful so far. But no one has ever called me to say, “When can we get that money back?”

Here, with one LP, you can think of it as just one large fund. We can do $258 million dollars into Uber and we don’t have to take the rest of the year off. Because we have access to all of that capital. I know that might seem, probably to a reader, like a very minor point. But in terms of actually operating this business, it changes the game.

How do you pick a winner? 


But what are some of the characteristics of the company, of the entrepreneurs, of the ideas that are really going to catch your attention?

You have to recognize that you’re wrong a lot. Probably more than half the time. And that could be because you picked wrong, that could be because it’s the wrong time, you’re too early, you’re too late, wrong product, product isn’t made right, people aren’t ready for it.

I mean, why didn’t Friendster succeed but Facebook did?

So the first thing you have to recognize is that you can be wrong a lot, and it’s okay to see those kinds of foibles and failures in those entrepreneurs that you invest in as well. The thing that reminds me of future success — when I see people that remind me of people that were successful, be it Tony [Fadell] and Matt [Rogers] at Nest, or even Travis [Kalanick] at Uber — is great persistence.

They have the ability to focus intensely on a problem, almost obsessively, and care a great deal about their colleagues, their company and the problem they’re attacking. You could find probably a whole bunch of people who would think making the black car service more efficient is not an important problem. But to Travis, and to the team, it is really important. It creates efficiencies, it frees up time, it’s safer.

But beyond that … being able to retarget is really important. Finding someone who is extremely persistent but is going to hit their head against the wall until there's either a hole in the wall or their head, is not what you’re looking for.

You’re looking for someone who can adapt when circumstances change. We know that people who have done it before tend to be more successful the second time, but people who have failed aren’t more likely to fail the second time. So there's no penalty for having tried something and not been successful at it.

And then picking the right people. CEOs who can hire properly, that’s the most important part of the job. The CEO’s job is really to hire the right team, and execute the vision second.

A lot has been made of Google Ventures’ use of data. What are the variables that go into that model, and how do you account for the natural variability of moody people, a fickle press, a fluctuating IPO market and all of these things?

It’s sort of like asking how do you build an advertising system that knows what ads to show that are relevant to people dependent on their moods and what they’re interested in. It’s really difficult. If it were really easy then everyone would have a program around this.

Graham Spencer, general partner, Google Ventures

Courtesy: Google Ventures Graham Spencer, general partner, Google Ventures

It takes into account hundreds, thousands of variables, and I can’t point to any one and say this is the key. If there were one key, if it were, “What university did the CEO go to?” then we would know, “Okay, well, we only need to pay attention to that.”

But it’s a lot more complicated than that, and that’s why we have a team of people who are really savvy, experienced statisticians, engineers, led by Graham Spencer on our team, who help us understand how to use data properly.

Because you can 100 percent use data and statistics in exactly the wrong way. That’s a trap some fall into, one that we really try hard to avoid. But I think it’s important to use that as a tool. If you’re in a dark room and you have a match, and you’re trying to find your way out, you should probably light it. At least you know, there’s a couple windows, the doorknob is three feet off the ground, there is a coffee table in the middle, be careful of that.

Can you give me a sense of how big a role it plays in the ultimate decision?

Is Skynet just deciding, making decisions for us?

Yeah, or is it one vote among several, like Deep Knowledge Ventures. 

I’ll put it in these terms. Data around the table is at least as important as one person's “vote.” And when I say that, what I mean is we don’t actually take a vote. It’s not a place where the majority decides what we invest in. It’s a place where the brave decide what we invest in.

Everyone can be against something, but if you have one person who’s really brave or making a huge mistake — it’s hard telling the difference between the two – who steps forward and says, “You folks are crazy, we need to invest in this company and let me tell you why,” well, we have done investments like that.

The data is a support. It’s just like having your other partners there.

One of your portfolio companies, Cool Planet, got kind of smacked down by The Verge. They cast a lot of doubt on the scientific claims of the company and the founder.

I think the founder did, I don’t know that the company got smacked down.

Okay. To the degree that his was the founding technology, are you still confident in that investment?

I think [Verge writer Ben Popper] drew a really clear line between the founder and the company. He separated them [into two stories], because they were separate.

Now the reality is we’ve got a company that has investments from us and from some major oil companies. We try not to be foolish, we make mistakes, but we vetted the technology. What I find so ironic about the Verge story is, it’s basically a story about, “Could we be wrong?”

Well, yeah, of course we could be wrong.

Venture funds get beaten up for not investing in important things. Okay, if you want venture funds to invest in important things, then don’t penalize or make fun of them when those important things don’t work.

“Your rocket ship doesn't work, so you look foolish, you should stop doing that, you got duped.”

No, we didn't get duped. If the technology doesn't work, that's too bad for everyone, right? Because it would be great if you could make gasoline out of corn and byproduct. That would be amazing. We think it has a great shot of still working. We’re still investors in the company.

Others are investors in the company. They just raised a new round of funding, a significant round of funding. They’re building a pilot plant to try this out at scale.

We’re in the business of betting on crazy far out thinkers doing sometimes crazy far out things. Sometimes we’ll be wrong.

We’re failing if some of our investments don’t turn out to be crazy science projects that didn’t work. Then we’re not actually differentiating ourselves from any other investor who’s trying to make a return on incremental things. That's not what we’re trying to do.

Do you ever think some of these investments become somewhat self-fulfilling prophecies because the name “Google Ventures” is involved, to the degree that I’m going to write about it because it was a GV deal or they might get the notice of additional customers and partners?

I hope so. I hope entrepreneurs can extract every scrap of value out of our investment as possible. If the minimum they can get is a spotlight shone on them because of the Google Ventures name, fine. I hope we can deliver more than that, but at least it’s something.


“We’re in the business of betting on crazy far out thinkers doing sometimes crazy far out things. Sometimes we’ll be wrong.”

Bill Maris, managing director, Google Ventures

At the end of the day, we’re minority shareholders in all of these companies, and all of these companies have more than one minority shareholder. To say it was self-fulfilling, it never works that way. We even know from studying the data, there are so many factors that go into making a person successful or a startup successful that you can’t trace it to one thing. But I’m happy to use whatever resource we have to help our entrepreneurs succeed.

But, you know what? If the entrepreneur or the idea is flawed, and we fund it, and therefore others get excited because Google Ventures funded it, those companies still fail. That’s happened. Fortunately, it’s only happened probably less than I can count on my two hands, out of 230 companies. I don’t know the exact number, but it's not a lot.

Burnt Out at Work? You’re Doing It Wrong.

Open 24/7


There is a prevalent myth that smartphones, tablets and other Internet-connected devices are making employees less productive. The “always-on” business culture is breaking down the barriers between a person’s work and personal life.

Volkswagen certainly subscribes to this notion, as it has banned its employees’ usage of their company-provided smartphones after hours. By and large, people have rebelled and asked to be unplugged to help them recharge.

I think that’s backward. In a society where 75 percent of the population calls and texts from the bathroom, do you really think people are going to get away from their mobile devices for any substantial amount of time? It’s time to stop raging against our tiny machines and embrace our technological overlords. Our phones and laptops are not our captors; they are the tools that will set us free.

When people complain about their work-life balance struggles, what they are really railing against is the traditional 9-to-5 workday. Before the Internet and mobile devices, a set schedule was critical to making sure everyone showed up and contributed to moving the company forward. It was difficult to take work home, so the daily grind was the only option.

Today’s modern workplaces have no such constraints. Can you think of one company where laptops, tablets and smartphones aren’t used by almost every employee? In a world obsessed with innovation, why are we clinging to a rigid work schedule that even Don Draper thinks is old?

I have a home office where I, like most people, work anywhere between eight to 12 hours on any given workday. I take calls, participate in brainstorms and conduct business as I would in a traditional office. However, I also have the flexibility to take off a few hours in the middle of the day to pick up my son from school, attend plays and recitals and attend other important family events.

The fact of the matter is that if everyone is connected at all times, you can plug in and play whenever and wherever you feel like. Putting in long hours at the office now is no longer a badge of pride in many organizations, as employee evaluations focus on output and results rather than effort and appearance. With 85 percent of workplaces offering flexible hours, we need to stop blaming technology for contributing to our work anxieties and instead take control of our own lives.

This isn’t to say that people should do whatever they want at all times. Management must still provide guidance and enforce deadlines to ensure that projects are being completed on time. Employees must be vigilant to ensure that their newfound freedom doesn’t compromise their results. And since collaboration is still the lifeblood of any business organization, extra measures should be taken to facilitate it regularly, on site or remotely.

Rather than positioning themselves as omnipresent authoritative figures, businesses are better served when management creates internal structure built upon guidance, support and autonomy. In order to make this work, employees need to be evaluated solely on their outcomes and not on subjective measurements such as time spent in the office. Raises and promotions should go to the efficient, not to people dithering in their offices late into the night.

The Center for Creative Leadership’s Craig Chappelow wrote a really smart article where he posits that a work-life balance is impossible. People are better off establishing work-life integration instead. Rather than striving for an elusive 50-50 split, which most will find unsatisfying, people need to better leverage the tools and technologies they have around them to better manage their time. Workers at smart organizations are given the freedom to have productive, satisfying lives.

This freedom doesn’t come with a price — it comes with a responsibility. Self-motivated, deadline-oriented workers who communicate well with their peers and managers have the world in the palms of their hands. Are you ready to take control over your life and be happy?

Philip Damiano is currently president of North America and Global Business Development for Esselte Corporation. He co-founded Kensington Microware, and also served in senior leadership positions with global brands including Velcro Group Corporate, IdeaPaint and DYMO Corporation.

Is the New Fire Phone an Android Phone or Not?

Ask Walt

You have some tech questions, I have some answers. Every Friday, I try to resolve these mysteries, succinctly and in plain language. Please send questions to Note that I won’t be able to diagnose your personal tech glitches and problems. I also reserve the right to edit questions for length or clarity, and to combine similar inquiries.

Q.In reading all the coverage of the new Amazon Fire phone, I’m confused. Some articles call it an Android phone, others don’t. Which is it?

A.The answer is: Both and neither. All of Amazon’s Fire devices use the open source version of Google’s Android operating system, which doesn’t include Google’s standard suite of apps or its Google Play app store. For Amazon, Android is essentially plumbing, not the face of the device. To provide the look, feel and navigation, Amazon has its own operating system, called the Fire OS. It also has its own app store, browser, email program and now, on the new phone, non-Google maps. The best way to think about it is that the Fire phone and tablets aren’t standard Android devices, and typically use third-party apps specially modified for them and curated by Amazon.

Jeff Bezos announces Fire phone

Ina Fried

Q.I want to order a new 13-inch MacBook Air and wanted your feedback. Your thoughts on getting the 1.4GHz versus 1.7GHz processor, and on 128 gigabytes of storage versus 256GB? I use the Internet mostly for trading and browsing.

A.I wouldn’t pay a penny more for the faster processor speed, but would spring for the extra storage, even if you think you won’t need it. After awhile, most people wish they had gotten more.

Bezos: Amazon Fire Phone Was a Long Time Coming


Ina Fried

Going to dump your iPhone for this?

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has made a long-term bet that you will. The retailer’s new Fire phone is the culmination of four years of development that tie together original ideas Amazon hopes will change the way you shop on your phone and off.

Innovations like the Fire’s Firefly object recognition technology and its Dynamic Perspective display have played important roles in the device since inception. The $199 smartphone, which works exclusively on AT&T’s network, goes on sale July 25.

“Our job is to build the greatest device we know how to build and then customers will choose,” Bezos told Re/code in an interview. “The other job we have is to be patient.”

The hard part starts now.

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We caught up with Bezos shortly after the Fire phone’s launch on Wednesday to discuss how the project came together.

Here’s an edited transcript of our interview:

Re/code: Who do you see as the initial customers for the Fire phone? Is it first-time smartphone buyers or existing smartphone owners?

Bezos: It'll be both. Primarily it will be people who are highly engaged Amazon customers, people who are Amazon Prime customers. I think it will be people who already love the Amazon ecosystem.

Very rarely in business do you succeed with a product that is not differentiated in some useful way. It is easy to be differentiated. It’s difficult to be differentiated in a way that is useful.

A little over four years ago, Fire phone took form. It didn’t have that name at that time. The ideas were things like Dynamic Perspective.

Was Dynamic Perspective an idea from day one?

Absolutely. So was Firefly. We had lots of other ideas and we talked and debated and went back and forth.

Over time the phrase “advanced technology” has come to mean “technology that almost works” in the minds of many customers. So autoscroll — this gesture where you can scroll one-handed — that’s the kind of thing we wanted to actually work. People are skeptical initially. We put four years of work into [that feature] to make it really robust.

Did you try to do Dynamic Perspective with just a front-facing camera?

We had prototypes early on using just the front-facing camera. It doesn’t work for so many reasons. It wouldn’t be power-efficient enough. You can’t leave your front-facing camera on all the time. The field of view is too narrow. You can’t do it with just one camera — not robustly.

You mentioned power efficiency. Was battery life an issue with Dynamic Perspective?

We’ve designed [Dynamic Perspective] to be on full-time. The phone has a big battery to start with. And we worked hard to make sure it would deliver the battery life people expect from a premium smartphone.

With Fire you haven’t really done anything to the traditional economics of smartphones.

It’s not a major shift … The price is aggressive if you look at what we've put into the phone. To be able to offer a 32GB phone with that feature set, four corner cameras and everything that is there at $199? That’s a very aggressive price point for a phone that premium. The structure of the [monthly] payments and all of that — that’s what AT&T does.

There seem to be some opportunities with AT&T and sponsored data. Would you ever subsidize data service?

If customers are interested in that. It is something we would look at in the future.

Is the Fire phone entirely Amazon-made?

It's made by contract manufacturers, as all phones are. But it's completely designed by us in Seattle and California.

You’d like other developers to build apps that take advantage of Dynamic Perspective.

That’s critical. There's never been an important new sensor on a phone that third-party developers haven't found some ingenious application for. Developers are going to find wonderful things to do with Dynamic Perspective.

For the team that built the phone and the [Dynamic Perspective software development kit], this is kind of like a child graduating from college — you can't wait to see what they go off and do in their life. Same thing with Firefly.

Developers like new technologies, but they also like big market opportunities. Does Amazon need to do anything special to compensate for the Fire phone’s lack of a large installed base?

We have really good documentation, really good tools and a really good team. … We’ll do all the normal things … that help developers, but nothing out of the ordinary. We’re going to get developers who want to play with these SDKs and see if they can’t create something super cool — we already have.

Do you plan to sell the Fire phone internationally?

Stay tuned.

More on Amazon’s Fire Smartphone

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