In my previous Deal Professor column, I wrote about a Delaware lawsuit involving a venture capital company, Bloodhound Technologies, and how it exposed venture capitalâs dirty little secret: in a sale, the founders are often left with nothing even if the venture capitalists profit.
Based on further data supplied by Susan Woodward at Sand Hill Econometrics, it is a worse picture than I had painted.
Sand Hill Econometrics, based in Silicon Valley, tracks and compiles data on venture capital investments. The firm is best known for creating and compiling the Dow Jones index of venture capital, which tracks, among other metrics, the annual rate of return and value of venture capital investments. The index is based on information about venture capital returns and investments going back several decades.
In preparing the index, Sand Hill Econometrics has also compiled one of the more exhaustive databases of venture capital returns and exits. Their database includes roughly 6,700 venture capital exits since 2003. Sand Hill claims that this is essentially the universe of venture capital.
Using this data, we can look deeper into whether founders do indeed often lose out when venture capitalists exit a company.
According to the data provided by Sand Hill, since 2003 only 6 percent of venture capital exits have been through an initial public offering. This rate is far below rates from earlier periods, and shows why the death of the small initial public offering has hit venture capital so hard. An additional 1 percent of venture capital deals also went public through reverse mergers.
In my column, I had stated that the rule of thumb for venture capital was that two to three out of 10 investments fail completely. But according to Sand Hill, that is a dream. Instead, 41 percent of venture capital companies fail and are worthless.
Subtracting out these I.P.O. and failure figures, the bare majority of venture capital exits, 52 percent, are through a sale.
Here is where the figures get even worse.
For the 52 percent acquired, or roughly 3,500 companies, Sand Hill reports that only about half sell for an amount that is above the total amount they raise.
If you add up the I.P.O. figures and the sale figures, this means about 33 percent of venture capital exits are in a position for the founders to earn a dime.
But it is probably lower than that. According to Sand Hill, 7.5 percent of the venture capital I.P.O.âs had exit values that were below the total venture capital investment. As for sales, the venture capital investors still need to be paid back their 8 percent accrued dividend. This probably puts the number of deals where the founder receives anything in the 20 percentile range. These numbers also do not take into account management or other fees paid to the venture capital firms.
And these figures are an improvement over earlier periods, which include the mass destruction yielded by the bursting of the technology bubble in 2000. Fully 87 percent of entrepreneurs backed by venture capital firms during that bubble received nothing, according to Sand Hill.
In defense of venture capital, there are things that we do not know about this data that might change our views.
First, we cannot tell how these companies would have fared without venture capital money. Venture capitalists are not only quite experienced, they can provide the financing necessary to make companies survive.
Second, it may very well be that serial entrepreneurs - those that know the game and can negotiate better outcomes - do better.
And finally, it may also be that certain venture capital firms return more to founders. But venture capital is like private equity and very guarded in the information it reveals, so we do not have definitive answers about these last two questions.
But no matter how you slice it, this all means that entrepreneurs are taking a huge risk with venture capital, even if it is a smaller risk than going it alone. In a paper based on this data, Ms. Woodward and the Stanford economist Robert E. Hall calculated that when adjusted for risk, the payoff for an entrepreneur taking venture capital money was really no better, on average, than taking a salaried job for a person of similar background.
But venture capitalâs attraction is the 2.3 percent of deals where the payout is greater than $100 million and the 0.18 percent of deals where it is greater than $1 billion. These riches prove too attractive and lure those who want to take risk.
Those who study entrepreneurship would not be surprised at this. Sometimes taking almost foolhardy risk is the mantra of the entrepreneur. After all, who wouldnât want to be a billionaire?
I asked Mrs. Woodward about the type of people who would go into entrepreneurship and take venture capital knowing these odds. She said entrepreneurs who took venture capital were either serial entrepreneurs who knew the game or âthose who wanted to shoot the moon.â
It you are the latter, I wish you good luck.