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Here’s What Germany’s World Cup Win Looked Like on Twitter

World Cup Germany Argentina

Celso Pupo /

You know that Germany beat Argentina, 1-0, in the World Cup final.

You also knew that lots of people talked about the game on Twitter. But how many people talked about the World Cup final game on Twitter?

Twitter won’t tell you. But it will say that the game generated 32.1 million Tweets. That’s a lot, but not the biggest number for a World Cup game. That record was set last week, when Germany crushed Brazil, and Twitter users generated 35.6 million Tweets.

Again, we don’t know how many people were actually Tweeting, or reading Tweets. Those numbers would be of great interest to both Wall Street and Madison Avenue. But still: Numbers!

OK. But what would a graphic representation of all of those Tweets look like?

It would look like this, Twitter says. That doesn’t really tell us a lot, except that the people working on the gas fields of North Dakota didn’t seem to spend much time typing about the game. Still, it looks cool:

Enough abstract numbers and graphics, you say? OK!

Here’s an unauthorized clip of Univision’s broadcast of Mario Goetze’s game-winning goal, which I found a couple seconds after typing “goal replay” into Twitter and finding this Tweet. Again, this is the kind of thing that may or may not pose a problem for Twitter the next time it reaches out to TV networks that make a living showing sports highlights. But for now, there’s lots of it: