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Climate Change May Make You Pee Pebbles


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If the melting glaciers, rising seas and dwindling polar bears didn’t grab your attention, try this on: Climate change may cause kidney stones.

An analysis of medical records for 60,000 adult and child patients across several U.S. cities found a direct link between hot days and the subsequent presentation of the famously painful and increasingly common mineral deposits, according to a paper published Thursday in Environmental Health Perspectives.

With rising greenhouse gas emissions expected to push temperatures up as much as 8 degrees Fahrenheit by 2100, “we can expect this trend to continue, both in greater numbers and over a broader geographic area,” said study leader Gregory Tasian, pediatric urologist at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, in a statement. “With some experts predicting that extreme temperatures will become the norm in 30 years, children will bear the brunt of climate change.”

In other words, now would be a great time to develop the sort of stones necessary to confront global warming.

The full study is available here.