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Swipe Right: The Tinderlicious Power Players of LA Tech List

This is a list we made as part of a Re/code Special Series about the Los Angeles tech scene. In these LA Stories, we’ll take you behind the scenes of a playful, powerful and potentially game-changing tech boom taking place across the Southland.

Like any landscape, LA’s tech scene has a group of — for want of a better phrase — “power players,” those who anchor and influence the larger community. While this list is by no means inclusive of all the key people in the Southland — apologies for those we overlooked, failed to include and missed in our possibly random selection process (it was actually not that random), it includes Hollywood stars, executives, talent agents, VCs and entrepreneurs. Some have been around for decades and others are relative newcomers to the scene.

(Did we mention it is not an exhaustive list? This may be about LA, but this is no tally of who’s in the club and who’s behind the rope line.)

And thanks to the success of one of LA’s companies — recent hot startup and popular mobile dating app Tinder — we decided to borrow its design metaphor for the cards presented here. (For this, kudos go to our fabulous photo and graphics editor Vjeran Pavic, along with our amazing intern Noah Kulwin.)

So swipe left, swipe right on our picks — get it? Most of all, we hope you’ll enjoy them.

Click to view slideshow.