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Is GoPro Overvalued? Undervalued? How About We Just Watch Seven Great GoPro Videos.



It was an action-packed week for GoPro. The action camera company priced its shares at the peak of their range for its Nasdaq IPO and saw them spike 38 percent on their first day of trading Thursday. GoPro’s shares rose another 14 percent on Friday, pushing the company’s valuation past $4 billion.

That IPO performance provoked all manner of skepticism among market watchers who wonder whether GoPro is being improperly valued as a media company, rather than a gadget seller.

Which is a reasonable observation to make. Few would dispute that the typical GoPro user shoots hours of boring bunny slope ski runs and unremarkable bike rides that nobody, including themselves, ever wants to watch. But every so often someone shoots something fantastic and uploads it to YouTube. Almost nothing makes GoPro users happier than their videos going viral or getting featured in a GoPro ad.

Here are some Re/code staff favorites.

GoPro Stolen by a Seagull” by Nathalie Rolladin. Watch till the end — it’s almost too perfect.

Fireman Saves Kitten” by Cory Kalanick. This is the second-most popular video on the GoPro YouTube channel (the first is a compilation of sponsored athletes), with 22 million views. Just because the action was spoiled by the video title doesn’t mean it won’t tug your heartstrings.

My GoPro Array” by Marc Donahue. A guy recreates Matrix-style photography by using a whole bunch of GoPros at once.

A Grizzly almost ate my GoPro,” by Brad Josephs. Turns out Alaskan wildlife does’t have particularly good dental hygiene.

Reason the GoPro Camera Was Invented,” by Belinda Ortiz. Thrilling trombone action cam.

Swimming with Dolphins,” by Mark Peters. You know it’s really cool when none of the commenters believe it’s real.

Grinding the Crack” by Jeb Corliss. You can’t do a GoPro compilation without including somebody jumping off of something. The close call on this wingsuit glide in Switzerland is insane.