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A Ranking of Top Executives by Their Employees

The chief executives of LinkedIn, Ford Motor Company, Northwestern Mutual, Goldman Sachs and Intuit were among the top scorers this year in Glassdoor’s ranking of the leaders at 51 big companies. Yahoo and General Electric anchored the bottom of the list.

Glassdoor is a jobs listing website that lets employees anonymously rate their bosses.

Jeff Weiner of LinkedIn, a social network website, received a 100 percent favorability rating with the employees, and former employees, who responded. His leadership scored the top marks in ratings for senior management, work and life balance, culture and values, compensation and benefits and career benefits. Each company on the Glassdoor list had 1,000 or more employees. The comments were mostly measured, though there were a few zingers.

Mr. Weiner, for example, won high marks, with one project manager noting that the company “fosters productivity from a positive, fun exchange of ideas.” But another, a former associate product manager, curtly noted that the company “needs innovation.”

In total, three of the top 10 executives on Glassdoor’s ranking were from Silicon Valley. Brad Smith at the financial software maker Intuit was ranked No. 7, with a 94 percent approval rating, and Mark Zuckerberg, at Facebook, came in at No. 10, with a 93 percent rating. The number of technology leaders increases to four when counting Larry Page at Google, who came in No. 11. Jeff Bezos, at Amazon, in Seattle, was in the middle of the pack, at No. 33, with an 86 percent rating from his employees.

Traditional industries claimed some of the top spots. Alan R. Mulally, at Ford Motor came in No. 2, and Richard W. Edelman, chief executive of the public relations giant Edelman, at No. 3. Each received a 97 percent approval rating from employees.

John E. Schlifske at Northwestern Mutual and Craig Jelinek at Costco both received a 95 percent rating, along with Paul E. Jacobs, who led San Diego-based chip maker Qualcomm before Steven M. Mollenkopf took over this month.

Even Wall Street bosses got some love. Lloyd C. Blankfein, who heads Goldman Sachs, came in at No. 8, with a 93 percent approval rating from his underlings.

There were only two women on the list. Sharen Turney, at Victoria’s Secret, was listed at No. 35, with an 85 percent rating. Marissa Mayer, at Yahoo, came in at No. 50 with a 79 percent rating, just above Jeffrey Immelt of General Electric, with 78 percent.

One employee praised Yahoo for “generous compensation for many and nice benefits, including free food,” and the “many competent and driven people who want to get things done,” but added there was “lots of red tape, difficulty dealing with proposals across properties. Company lacks direction and is not as technologically proficient as a tech company should be.”