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Wall Street: Working for the Weekend or Through It?

Last month, Bank of America Merrill Lynch told its junior bankers to take four days off a month, on the weekends. Credit Suisse discouraged its analysts and associates from working on Saturdays. Last year, Goldman Sachs recommended that its analysts take weekends off whenever possible.

Wall Street̢۪s move to rethink the workload of interns and junior bankers, known as analysts and associates, comes after the death of an intern at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London last summer. But old habits are hard to change, particularly in an industry where an intense work schedule can be a badge of honor.

Do you work on Wall Street as an analyst? Are you taking work-free weekends out of town? Or toiling as hard as ever? I would like to hear from you about how this transition is going, and how you are spending your new-found free time (if you have it). Please leave your comment below. I may follow up with select commenters for interviews.

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