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JPMorgan and American Express Oppose Arizona Bill

jamie dimon

REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

Jamie Dimon

JPMorgan Chase, which is one of the largest employers in Arizona, wants Governor Jan Brewer to veto a bill that critics argue would allow businesses to discriminate against lesbian and gay customers. JPMorgan Chase spokeswoman Darcy Donahoe-Wilmot provided Business Insider a statement Wednesday saying the company wants the bill, SB 1062, to be vetoed. 

"JPMorgan Chase opposes all forms of discrimination in law and in fact. The bill passed by the Arizona legislature does not reflect the values of our country or the State of Arizona and should be vetoed. JPMorgan Chase is one of the largest private employers in the State of Arizona with over 11,000 employees here," the statement said.

Supporters of SB 1062 argue it preserves religious freedom. If Brewer does not veto the bill, it will become law. Brewer has said she will make a decision by Friday. 

According to the Arizona Republic, JPMorgan Chase ranked as the state's eighth largest employer in 2013. 

Update (4:47 PM): American Express spokeswoman told Business Insider, "I can confirm for you that we have asked the governor to veto the bill." According to the Republic, American Express was Arizona's 18th largest employer last year.Â