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Pynchon Takes On Silicon Alley

New York’s technology scene is getting the Thomas Pynchon treatment.

Mr. Pynchon, the secretive and widely followed author, is set to publish a new book titled “Bleeding Edge” that has Manhattan’s Silicon Alley as its setting, the publisher, Penguin Press, announced on Monday. The release date is Sept. 17.

The novel, set in 2001, takes place in “the lull between the collapse of the dot-com boom and the terrible events of September 11,” Penguin said in a release announcing its 2012 results.

Mr. Pynchon, whose novel “Gravity’s Rainbow” won the National Book Award for Fiction in 1974, often combines history and popular culture in complex, darkly comic narratives. Penguin had announced in January that a new book from the author was forthcoming.

While the new book is set in the recent past, it will no doubt resonate with the current fascination with tech start-ups in popular ulture. A recent reality TV show from Bravo called “Start-Ups: Silicon Valley” had a splashy debut, then garnered disappointing ratings.

A tip of the hat to Sarah Weinman of Publishers Marketplace for spotting the news.